
R version TBtools version license Myblog

The MetMiner pipeline is primarily driven by three R packages: TidyMass MDAtoolkits WGCNA, each responsible for different components as illustrated in Figure 1. These packages are integrated into two user-friendly Shiny applications. We offer two installation methods:

  • For users proficient in R and with debugging skills, we recommend the first method, which involves installing the R packages individually.

  • For general users, we suggest installing and running the application via the TBtools plugin store.

Structure of Metminer:

Figure 1: Structure of metMiner pipeline.

Method 1: Install from R or RStudio

MetMiner shinyapp

Copy and paste following code into your R script or R console and run:

##> for chinese users:
##> options("repos" = c(CRAN=""))

if (!require('remotes')) install.packages('remotes');
if (!require('Hmisc')) install.packages('Hmisc');
if (!require('tidymass')) {
  install_tidymass(from = "")
if (!require('ropls')) remotes::install_github("SamGG/ropls");
if (!require('PCAtools')) remotes::install_github('kevinblighe/PCAtools');
if (!require('MDAtoolkits')) remotes::install_github('ShawnWx2019/MDAtoolkits',ref = 'master');
if (!require('shinyFiles')) remotes::install_github('thomasp85/shinyFiles');
if (!require('shinyWidgets')) remotes::install_github("dreamRs/shinyWidgets");
if (!require('ComplexHeatmap')) remotes::install_github('jokergoo/ComplexHeatmap');
if (!require('clusterProfiler')) remotes::install_github('YuLab-SMU/clusterProfiler');
if (!require('shinyjs')) install.packages('shinyjs');
if (!require('dashboardthemes')) install.packages('dashboardthemes');
if (!require("DT")) install.packages('DT');
if (!require('shiny')) install.packages('shiny');
if (!require('bsicons')) install.packages('bsicons');
if (!require('bslib')) install.packages('bslib');
if (!require('ggsci')) install.packages('ggsci');
if (!require('plotly')) install.packages('plotly');
if (!require('ggrepel')) install.packages('ggrepel');
if (!require('shinythemes')) install.packages('shinythemes');
if (!require('ggstatsplot')) install.packages('ggstatsplot');
if (!require('patchwork')) install.packages('patchwork');
if (!require('tidyverse')) install.packages('tidyverse');
if (!require('shinyjqui')) install.packages('shinyjqui');
if (!require('colourpicker')) install.packages('colourpicker');
if (!require('RCurl')) install.packages('RCurl');
if (!require('MetMiner')) remotes::install_github('ShawnWx2019/MetMiner');

running following code to start metMiner shinyapp

##> start metMiner shinyapp
run_metMiner(maxRequestSize = 300)

WGCNA shinyapp

Clone github repo to local

# clone this repo to your machine
git clone WGCNAshiny

cd WGCNAshiny

## Method 1.

Rscript WGCNAbyClick.v1.R

## Method 2. open WGCNAbyClick.v1.R by Rstudio or other IDE you perfer and run this script.

Download zip file and started from Rstudio

(a) Github page
(b) Shiny Script
(c) Run App
(d) Web-page
Figure 2: getting started

Method 2: Install from TBtools plugin store

Follow the following steps to install RServer.plugin, MetMiner shinyapp and WGCNA shinyapp

(a) Find plugin store
(b) Install Rserver plugin
(c) Download Rserver plugin
(d) Install Rserver plugin
Figure 3: Step by step TBtools plugin install

Install MetMiner shiny plugin and WGCNA shiny plugin in same way.

start wgcna shinyapp

start wgcna shinyapp
Figure 4: start shinyapps